We would like to take a few moments of your time to address the actions we are taking as a result of recent Coronavirus (COVID-19) developments, and how we may be able to help your business during this time.
What are we doing
Our Tech Support and Installation Services remain 100% operational, we are ready as ever to meet your needs. In order to continue to assist our customers during this time our customer service and tech support staff will be telecommuting. We will have key operational personnel working in the field and/or our offices until otherwise advised by local, state or federal authorities. This does mean that our office will be closed to equipment pickup / drop as well as payment drop off. Please mail your payments or pay through My Account by clicking here.
If a field tech must enter your home to repair a problem, you may notice they are wearing rubber gloves. Our Coronavirus (COVID-19) policy requires field techs to sanitize their hands and put on a new pair of rubber gloves prior to entering every home or business. The CDC is also recommending "social distancing" as means to prevent transmission. Our field techs have been asked to stay at least 6 feet away from other persons on the premise, we ask for your cooperation in following this guideline as well.
How we can help you
We are here to help if you are having connection issues. Please call us at 651-888-4444 or support@gigabitmn.com.
Gigabit Minnesota